Nicola Mondaini is a Professor of Urology at the Magna Grcia University of Medicine in Catanzaro, Italy, and a Professor for the Andrology Masters at the Universities of Florence, Pisa, and Catanzaro. He is also reviewer for international uro-andrology journals and has produced hundreds of scientific articles in national and international journals. He is considered one of the world's leading experts on penile pathologies. Patrizia Prezioso, a communications professional, attended the University of Rome, ""La Sapienza."" An expert in social and health care issues, she has created prevention and screening campaigns on behalf of both public institutions and private companies. Currently, she is the director of communications for Federfarma.
"""Despite the fact that 50% of the world's population possesses a penis, there remains a significant knowledge gap in how it is structured, how it works and how disease affects it. The penis is a window into a man's health and dysfunction of the penis may represent a harbinger of hidden illness and future comorbidities. Professor Mondaini writes with aplomb as an authority and presents a fascinating review of the penis from birth to death in a conversational style which will be readily readable to all. This book serves as a valuable addition to the world's literature on this important topic."" --John P. Mulhall, Director of Male Sexual and Reproductive Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center"