A thrilling game of cat and mouse, murder and mystery...
As the son of one of the most infamous Yakuza bosses in Japan, Shoto Tanaka's life has been anything but average. Then he meets the most popular athlete in Japan, Goro Nakamura. Goro is used to putting on a show for the public, and since he comes from a family of wealth and notoriety, he's frequently in the limelight. Shoto, like many others, is captivated by his icy charisma.
What Shoto isn't aware of is that Goro is also the infamous 'Animosity Serial Killer' of Japan. In what ways will Goro and Shoto's profound devotion to one another and their various ideologies impact their complex relationship and those around them?
This book contains explicit content and mature themes, including uncensored sex, bondage, violence, gore, and torture. It is not intended for anyone under 18 years of age.
Kurutta Hito Illustrated by:
Tsunderuuu Imprint: LOVE x LOVE Country of Publication: United States Dimensions:
Height: 208mm,
Width: 147mm,
Spine: 17mm
Weight: 503g ISBN:9781427874528 ISBN 10: 1427874522 Series:LOVE MURDER BASKETBALL Pages: 304 Publication Date:06 March 2024 Recommended Age: From 18 years Audience:
ELT Advanced
Format:Paperback Publisher's Status: Active