Michael B. Curry, serves the Episcopal Church as its 27th Presiding Bishop. He was the Bishop of North Carolina from 2000 to 2015. He has had a national preaching and teaching ministry, has been featured on The Protestant Hour and Day 1, and is a frequent speaker at conferences around the country. He received honorary degrees from Sewanee and Yale. MICHAEL B. CURRY es el 27.° Obispo Presidente y Primado de la Iglesia Episcopal. Antes de su elección en 2015, fue Obispo de Carolina del Norte y se desempeñó como párroco en Carolina del Norte, Ohio y Maryland. Curry es el autor de Cristianos locos: un llamado a seguir a Jesús y las canciones que cantó mi abuela. MEGAN CASTELLAN is an ordained Episcopal priest, working extensively across generations within the church. She has marked how the younger generations approach the institution and its ancient traditions with a mix of awe and concern. Part of her ministry, though writing, years as a successful college chaplain, work as a diocesan youth worker, and as a preacher, has been to translate the ancient language of the Church into language that is approachable and inviting for the seekers of today.