Patricia Lyons serves as Missioner for Evangelism and Community Engagement for the Diocese of Washington. She is a member of the presiding bishop's cabinet on evangelism and the working group for the ""Way of Love"" curricular and support resources. An honors graduate from Harvard College in the Comparative Study of Religion, she holds a Master of Divinity degree from the Harvard Divinity School, and received her doctorate from the Virginia Theological Seminary, where she teaches theology and evangelism. Follow her on Facebook
In a manner that is personal, playful, and profound, Patricia Lyons provides us with an illuminating lense through which to view the Harry Potter series, particularly as it relates to the formation of the faith and practice of young people. The connections she is able to make between contemporary experience and the Christian life are remarkable, all the while inviting us to approach the education and development of young people with fresh vision and renewed commitment. --The Rev. Daniel R. Heischman, D.D., Executive Director, National Association of Episcopal Schools